Your trusted partner for alarm
mobilization and processing solutions

New Voice International’s application platform enhances productivity
and responsiveness by distributing information intelligently and securely,
meeting essential emergency management needs.

Our platforms


Hardware or virtual server


Virtual server


New Voice protects your employees
New Voice protects your hotels
New Voice protects your buildings
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New Voice International embodies innovation and dedication. Founded with a passion for communication solutions, we have become a trusted partner, offering cutting-edge services and unrivalled expertise. Discover our history and our commitment to transforming communication

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Diverse application options for alarm management systems

In today’s dynamic business world, it is essential that companies have access to diverse and efficient security solutions. With the ever-increasing threats and risks that modern businesses face, it is more important than ever to have a robust alarm server. Such servers play a central role as they ensure both the protection of employees and the safeguarding of assets. A well-integrated alarm server not only contributes to security, but also improves an organization’s efficiency and responsiveness to potential threats.

Why a diverse solution is important

An alarm server should not only be limited to detecting and reporting incidents, but should also be able to respond flexibly to different requirements. The ability to adapt the system to individual business processes significantly increases efficiency and security. This requires a platform that is open, modular and scalable to keep pace with a company’s changing requirements.

Integration and adaptability with MobiCall

The ability to integrate existing communication infrastructures and various 3rd party applications is another crucial factor. MobiCall enables a centralized platform that manages all alarms and events, facilitates process automation and ensures that important information gets to the right places quickly and reliably. This enables an efficient and predetermined response to all circumstances.

Process automation for greater safety

The automation of processes, from daily communication to emergencies, is a key benefit of modern alarm server. MobiCall ensures that important process data and critical thresholds are continuously monitored to minimize risks and ensure rapid mobilization of the necessary resources.


MobiCall offers a versatile, integrable and scalable solution for alarm servers that meets both centralized and decentralized security requirements. With comprehensive process automation and the ability to integrate existing systems, MobiCall ensures that companies are prepared for all eventualities and can optimize their security processes.

Find out how MobiCall can help you to make the most of the versatile application possibilities of alarm servers and improve your security processes.


Emergency notifications via the desktop: Enabling quick reactions in critical situations

Enabling quick reactions in critical situations

In today’s digital world, it is crucial that organisations scale their security measures effectively to meet growing demands. One particularly efficient method is alerting and triggering alarms via the desktop or using hotkeys. This innovative solution offers numerous benefits, including a faster response to emergencies. With a simple keystroke or mouse click, users can activate an alarm immediately, which can be life-saving in critical situations. This method also increases accessibility and ease of use, as employees can act quickly and efficiently regardless of their position in the organisation or their familiarity with complex alarm systems. It also improves efficiency and workflow as no additional devices or separate alarm systems are required. Overall, this technology contributes to a safer and more responsive working environment.

The importance of scalable security

As organisations grow, so does the complexity of their security needs. Traditional alarm systems often struggle to keep pace with increasing demands, leading to potential vulnerabilities. When it comes to desktop alerting, New Voice International’s Desktop.App plays a central role in overcoming these challenges and providing a reliable, user-friendly solution for modern corporate security.

Why should you use New Voice's for alerting?

Immediate attention and response:

HotKeys: One of the new features in Release 16 is the ability to trigger alerts via customisable HotKeys. This means that users can react quickly and efficiently in an emergency situation, such as a fire alarm or a panic button at work. The HotKeys drastically reduce the response time, which can be crucial in critical moments.

LockScreen integration:

The makes it possible to receive and trigger alarms even when the device is locked. This feature is particularly useful for remote monitoring of employee safety and protection for lone workers. In industries such as retail, where a panic button may be required for retail shops, this provides an additional layer of security.

User-friendliness and integration:

Easy login: The ability to use configuration files makes the login process much easier. This makes the Desktop.App not only user-friendly, but also efficient to implement and manage. This is a great advantage for complex security solutions such as a hotel alarm system or a bank alarm system.

Increased reliability and redundancy:

Redundancy: With Release 16, the Desktop.App now also offers server redundancy. This means that the system continues to function even if the primary server fails. This reliability is crucial for effective risk management and incident management in accordance with ISO 27035. Companies can be sure that their business alarm system will continue to work reliably even in times of crisis.

The advances in Release 16 of the Desktop.App provide organisations with a robust, reliable and user-friendly solution for their security requirements. With features such as HotKeys and redundancy, alarms can be triggered and processed quickly and efficiently, which can be life-saving in critical situations. The Desktop.App ensures that companies, banks, hotels and hospitals are optimally prepared for emergencies and can react quickly to minimise damage and protect lives.

How MobiCall Enhances Collaboration and Coordination in Emergencies

In an emergency situation, efficient collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders are critical to minimize damage and save lives. MobiCall, the central software platform by New Voice International, plays a key role in optimizing these processes.

Here are specific ways MobiCall enhances coordination and collaboration in emergencies through the mentioned keywords:

Integrated Event and Alarm Management: MobiCall enables quick detection of emergencies through integration with a wide array of systems and technologies, including fire alarm and access control systems. This integration ensures central visibility and coordination, which is crucial for swift responses to emergencies.

 Personalized Alerting and Evacuation: For businesses from banks to hotels, MobiCall offers tailored alerting services, including silent alarms and specific evacuation instructions. These features ensure that the right people are reached with relevant information to facilitate effective response and evacuation.

Precise Positioning and Asset Tracking: Utilizing cutting-edge technologies like DECT, WiFi, and Bluetooth, MobiCall significantly enhances personnel safety and asset monitoring. Precise positioning allows security personnel to respond quickly to emergencies and effectively locate individuals in danger or key assets.

Rapid Communication and Information Distribution: MobiCall ensures that critical information is distributed quickly and efficiently to all relevant parties. This includes alerting through various channels such as SMS, voice messages, and email, improving coordination and responsiveness in critical moments.

Enhancing Business and Safety Processes: MobiCall automates and optimizes business and safety processes, from daily task management to emergency response. This leads to improved coordination, with critical information swiftly passed to decision-makers and first responders.

Conclusion: MobiCall by New Voice International is a comprehensive solution that significantly enhances collaboration and coordination in emergencies. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies and providing tailored solutions, MobiCall supports businesses and organizations in acting efficiently and effectively in emergency situations, ultimately contributing to the safety and protection of people and assets.

Find out more about how MobiCall can enrich your life.


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Our Clients' feedbacks

Why New Voice ?

The EPI area has extremely diverse security requirements. Together with New Voice we were able to work out the complex challenges and put them on paper. This learning process with subsequent success was only possible because New Voice knows its product MobiCall inside out and ultimately keeps every promise.

-Rudi Grasern, Head of Hospitality and Infrastructure, EPI

We are very happy that by integrating the MobiCall alarm server we have a flexible platform that makes life easier for our nursing staff and the patient experience more pleasant. The New Voice team gave us extensive support throughout the entire project phase. Changes in requirements were always seen as a challenge.

-Michael Dengler, Deputy Head of Infrastructure, Klinikum Stuttgart