Lone worker protection for hospitals and healthcare professionals

What is a lone worker protection

Lone worker protection for hospitals and healthcare professionals is a type of workplace safety system that helps to ensure the safety and security of those working in a variety of healthcare settings. This includes medical and mental health professionals, as well as nurses, doctors and other staff who may work in isolated or potentially dangerous environments.

Lone worker protection systems can involve a range of measures such as physical security systems, personal alarms, tracking indoor positioning technology and additional training for staff on how to identify and manage risks associated with lone work. Lone worker protection systems are designed to help protect healthcare professionals who may be at risk when alone in an environment. This could include anything from long-term care facilities to private practices or even home-based care services. In these cases where there is no one else available to provide immediate help if needed, it’s important that lone workers have access to appropriate measures which can help them remain safe if they find themselves in an unsafe situation.

Indoor and outdoor positioning technology is an increasingly popular form of lone worker protection system used by many organizations today. This type of system involves fitting healthcare staff with a specific device (or devices, smartphones) which allows their whereabouts to be tracked remotely by management or other members of the team. These devices can also be programmed with certain emergency protocols so that if the user feels they are in danger they can set off an alarm or alert someone else nearby for assistance. In addition to tracking technology, some organisations choose to equip their lone workers with personal alarms which allow them to quickly call for help should they feel threatened or need assistance. For example, this could be a wearable device (like a watch) which has either a direct line through to emergency services or another team member who can respond quickly if needed.

It is important that employees understand how these alarms work in case they ever need them – regular training should be provided on this matter so everyone understands how best use them should the need arise.  Finally, providing additional training for staff on how to identify and manage risks associated with lone working will also play a key role in helping keep healthcare professionals safe whilst at work. This could include teaching employees about potential hazards and how identify any suspicious behaviour; educating them on their legal rights; as well as understanding different strategies for managing difficult situations including de-escalation techniques when dealing with challenging individuals or circumstances.  Important to note that hospitals are a crucial part of the medical landscape and can often be bustling places of activity.

However, with so many personnel and patients onsite at any one time, there may be occasions where lone workers may need to perform specific tasks alone. A good safety system should ensure that these isolated workers are adequately protected while carrying out their duties. 

Here are 5 situations in which hospitals may require lone worker protection: 

Late-night shifts

Nightshift workers often find themselves alone in the hospital after hours when the majority of other staff have gone home. This can leave them particularly vulnerable in the event of an emergency or unexpected knock on the door.

Lone worker protection systems provide an extra layer of security for those working during these times, preventing unauthorised entry into areas or alerting staff if something is amiss. 

Maintenance workers

Hospitals require regular maintenance and repair work to function smoothly and safely, but this kind of work can often place lone workers at risk without adequate precautions in place.

For example, when a single contractor has to access a high-risk area such as an operating theater or electrical room, facilities must have a system for monitoring their safety and communication status during the job. 

Interaction with dangerous patients

Whether it’s restraining a violent patient or providing first-aid to someone with a contagious illness, some hospital staff will sometimes find themselves having to interact with patients who pose a potential threat to their health or well-being.

In these cases, it’s essential that appropriate measures are in place so that help can be quickly summoned should things go wrong. 

Isolation wards 

Medical isolation wards can provide necessary rest and treatment for contagious diseases or conditions that require full containment measures such as those used during an outbreak. But they also present unique hazards to lone workers due to the potential exposure risks involved when entering highly contaminated areas without adequate protective gear or training.

Lone worker protection systems allow staff entering isolation units to remain connected and alert colleagues if anything is wrong during their shift inside the ward. 

Vulnerable patients 

Emergencies can happen anywhere at any time – including within hospital rooms, showers or other places – so response times are critical for ensuring both patient safety and successful outcomes for medical interventions carried out by members of staff working alone on site at any given moment in time.

There are many vulnerable patients, who may need help in very specific circumstances (they may not be allowed to leave the room alone, they may have a problem while taking a shower and many other problems), so it is extremely important to follow the patients and personnel working with them at all times.

Lone worker protection for nurses and doctors

Lone worker protection is an important issue for nurses and doctors. The risks of working alone, especially in medical settings, can be great and should not be taken lightly. Nurses and doctors often work in isolated areas with limited access to resources, which leaves them vulnerable to potential attacks from violent patients or other sources. To protect themselves from these risks, it is important that they have the right lone worker protection measures in place. One of the most effective ways to protect lone workers is through the implementation of personal safety alarms.

These alarms allow a nurse or doctor to quickly alert authorities in the event of an emergency or suspicious activity. In addition, these alarms can also be used as a deterrent as potential attackers may be deterred by the sound of a loud alarm ringing out in an area where no one else is present. Other ways to ensure that lone workers are protected include providing them with extensive training on workplace safety policies and procedures, regularly monitoring their work environment, using locked doors and windows, having proper lighting around their work area, and establishing regular communication protocols with the hospital’s security staff.

Additionally, employers should consider investing in new technologies such as GPS tracking devices for outdoor positioning and Bluetooth technology for indoor positioning; and facial recognition systems that can help identify any potential threats before they occur.  Lone worker protection is essential for both nurses and doctors who often find themselves working alone in dangerous environments.

It is important for employers to take necessary steps to protect their employees as well as provide them with tools that will help keep them safe while on the job. By implementing these protections, hospitals can ensure that their employees stay safe and healthy while at work.

Benefits of lone worker protection for healthcare institutions

The safety and security of lone workers are essential components of any workplace environment. Implementing a lone worker protection program can provide a number of benefits for both employers and employees. Here are five key benefits that employers should consider when contemplating the implementation of such a program:

Increased Productivity

Well-protected lone workers can be more productive, since they feel safer and therefore have greater job satisfaction. This in turn leads to improved morale, higher motivation, and increased production levels.

By investing in systems that enable them to stay connected and easily raise an alarm if they encounter problems while working alone, employers can ensure that their employees remain safe while still doing their jobs effectively.

Enhanced Safety & Security

Providing access to safety features such as panic alarms or indoor and outdoor positioning, can give supervisors peace of mind, knowing their employees are protected while on the job. Additionally, these devices often include an automated response system that dispatches help when an employee needs it most.

This is especially useful in hazardous workplaces where there is always the potential for danger.

Improved Compliance 

Companies are required to comply with occupational health regulations and industry standards on how to protect lone workers from harm or injury.

With the use of lone worker protection systems, businesses can ensure they meet all governmental requirements regarding safety in the work environment. This helps prevent costly fines for non-compliance and keeps everyone safe at work.

Reduced Liability Risk 

Organizations that protect their employees from harm face less risk in case of accidents or injuries due to negligence. Lone worker protection systems help employers identify potential hazards before they affect anyone’s health or safety, reducing the chances of being held liable if something were to happen to an employee while working alone. 

Patients security

Having a comprehensive lone worker protection program demonstrates commitment and dedication towards patients welfare which reflects positively on all included parts: patients relatives, patients themselves, personnel, etc.

While assuring the best possible security for your own patients, you will be able to maintain high standards in your institution.

New Voice experience in lone worker protection for healthcare professionals

In more than 30 years we have implemented multiple lone worker protection projects including indoor and outdoor positioning solutions, nurse call systems, personal alarms and so much more. We can integrate new lone worker protections solutions into your existing security infrastructure or customize and install a completely new system which will assure the highest safety standards for your employees.

Recently we have installed more than 1500 beacons system in EPI clinic in Zürich, which provides the top notch indoor and outdoor positioning tracking  infrastracture for the safety of staff members and patients.

Read more: EPI lone worker protection

With our advanced lone worker protection solutions, you can ensure that your employees are well-protected in any situation and have access to emergency services when needed.  We also offer 24/7 monitoring to keep track of all activities within the premises. Our products provide real-time tracking, alerting capabilities and data safety.

If you have any questions regarding lone worker protection for your healthcare institution, we would be more than happy to help.


Our Norwegian Partner Telecom Bergen visits New Voice in Zurich

Last week we welcomed our partner from Norway to Zurich!

Together with Telecom Bergen, we spent a full day in an informal setting discussing our product updates, their benefits, and how to bring them to end customers.

We also took time to work on joint marketing and brainstormed about ongoing projects.

We love days like this! #partnersfirst

Industrial PC for your security infrastructure

What is an industrial PC?

Industrial PCs have become an increasingly popular tool for companies to incorporate into their security infrastructures. An industrial PC is a computer that is built with features that are specifically designed for certain tasks in the industrial environment; such as heavy-duty processing, enhanced durability, and/or improved reliability. Industrial PCs are typically used for mission-critical applications such as security surveillance and control systems, robotics, automotive and factory automation, medical equipment, and other projects that require specialized components and design.

An industrial PC provides enhanced security features over traditional PCs because of its ruggedness and versatility. This type of computer can generally handle more robust workloads than regular PCs, meaning they can be used in a variety of ways regarding company-wide safety initiatives. These computers are less likely to crash than standard PCs due to their superior hardware components, as well as their insulated cases which protect them from dust or water damage. 

In addition, many industrial PCs come with embedded operating systems which eliminate the need to install additional software or update the system regularly. This means less maintenance and reduced IT costs overall.

Industrial PC benefits

The use of an Industrial PC for security infrastructure can provide a number of benefits to companies who choose this option. The most important benefit is the enhanced protection it offers against malicious activity on the network. Since these computers are highly secure against unauthorized access, viruses, Trojans, and other forms of malware cannot penetrate the system easily if at all. 

Furthermore, these machines have been engineered to withstand physical abuse from outside sources so they remain safe from potential damage caused by intruders or sabotage attempts. For businesses dealing with sensitive data or financial transactions having this extra layer of protection is essential for ensuring customer data remains safe and secure at all times. 

Another advantage of an industrial PC for security infrastructure is its flexibility when it comes to customization options; allowing companies to tailor their system specific needs in terms of data storage capacities as well as scalability requirements down the road should demand increase significantly over time. Additionally since these computers run on low power consumption levels they allow businesses to save money on electricity bills while still providing reliable performance levels without sacrificing any functionality or stability in the process. 


New Voice International has as well developed their own industrial PC for security  – it is called MobiBBox and has all of our MobiCall features already installed on it. It is a perfect solution for your safety infrastructure, if you need a solution which is fast and reliable.

MobiBBox features:

  • Ready to use

MobiCall is pre-installed and ready to use

  • Low Maintenance

Support and configuration at any time via remote maintenance

  • Server Operating System

Windows 2022 Server operating System

  • Internal SMS Module

SMS module – requires SIM card only

  • No Moving parts
  • Connections

8 integrated contacts & 2 integrated relays

  • Integrated Web Server

For an intuitive configuration

  • Modules & Interfaces

MobiCall modules and interfaces can be unlocked

  • Double Power

High performance due to increased RAM and hard disk MobiBBox is a perfect “plug and play” industrial PC for you security needs as it comes already with preinstalled MobiCall software which can be easily connected to the existing security infrastructure in your company.

Read more: MobiBBox


To summarize why companies should have an Industrial PC for security infrastructure is because it provides reliable performance levels along with robust protective capabilities against malicious activity on the network; allowing businesses both large and small peace of mind knowing that their valuable data remains safe from potential harm at all times regardless of external circumstances like weather or power outages etc..

Read more: Blackout management

Companies also get added flexibility when it comes to customization needs when using an industrial pc compared to traditional computers; saving them time and money in terms of IT maintenance costs since there’s no need for additional installations or updates once installed properly initially. 

Overall adding this type of device into any company’s existing infrastructure makes sense both economically and technically speaking providing better peace-of-mind long term while also helping reduce any potential risks associated with not having adequate safeguards in place should any unforeseen events occur down the line

What is Georedundancy and how it helps businesses


Georedundancy is a data security concept that many companies more and more often are beginning to incorporate into their digital security infrastructure in order to protect their data and business operations from unforeseen events such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or power outages. The key idea behind georedundancy is that data is replicated in multiple geographic locations so that if one location becomes unavailable, the other sites can still function and access the necessary data.

By having multiple sites hosting identical information, companies can ensure high availability of their services and prevent disruption of operations due to an event in one area. Georedundancy is a part of business continuity management and assures continuation of all business processes.

How Does Georedundancy Function? 

Georedundancy involves replicating all critical data on two or more geographically distributed infrastructures located in different parts of the world. The primary infrastructure typically provides the main service while simultaneously replicating the same data to its backup sites for safekeeping. If there is an unexpected disruption at one site, such as a power outage or cyber-attack, then users will be able to access their content from one of the redundant copies stored elsewhere. The remote locations store only copies of data rather than live versions which prevents them from becoming overloaded with requests during peak times when traffic is heavy on the main site.

Different types of georedundancy strategies involve varying levels of replication depending on how much fault tolerance a company requires for its operations. 

To put it simply, georedundancy assures that all your business data is safely placed at any time in more than one server – if any security problem occurs at one location, another server can start to work immediately and assure that all processes can continue and all data is available from another server/location.

How Does Georedundancy Help in Security Situations? 

Georedundancy helps companies better secure their digital systems by creating additional layers of protection against threats such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and other forms of unexpected disruptions (fires, burglaries, etc.).

By having multiple redundant copies of their data stored at different sites around the world, businesses are insulated from localized incidents which could otherwise impact their operations significantly if they were relying solely on one physical server or facility for their services.

Additionally, georedundancy helps reduce latency issues associated with transferring large amounts of data between multiple geographical regions and makes it easier for organizations to comply with international laws regarding where customer information should be stored without having to worry about losing access due to disruptions in any one region. 

Further reading: Blackout Management

5 Reasons Companies Should Use Georedundancy 

Increased Data Availability

By keeping redundant copies of essential files stored at different geographical locations, organizations can guarantee high uptime even if there is an interruption at any single point such as power outages or severe weather conditions which would otherwise create significant problems if businesses relied solely on one physical server location for their services. 

Better Protection Against Natural Disasters

Having redundant backups spread out across different parts of the world minimizes potential damage caused by geographically localized disasters like floods or earthquakes because only a portion rather than all copies would be affected by them resulting in fewer operational interruptions overall. 

Improved Performance

Replicating data across multiple geographical sites allows companies to reduce latency issues associated with transferring large amounts of information between distant regional locations while still making sure customers have easy access regardless where they are located.  

Compliance With International Regulations

By having redundant copies available in various countries and regions around the world makes it easier for certain organizations such as financial institutions who must store customer information according to local laws and standards associated with specific countries or jurisdictions without fear that it won’t be accessible when needed due to power outages caused by malfunctioning servers located abroad. 

Better Security Against Cyber-Attacks

Storing crucial system components across several geographically dispersed infrastructures increases security since hackers would need simultaneous breakthroughs at each location before being able gain access which makes this type protection much more difficult than targeting just one single point where all assets are concentrated together making them vulnerable targets for malicious actors looking exploit weaknesses through brute force attacks .

New Voice experience in georedundancy

New Voice International has more than 30 years experience in various security solutions: from lone worker protection to indoor positioning, from silent alarm to georedundancy.

We have implemented multiple georedundancy solutions for companies which require a business continuation solutions in matters of natural disasters, cyber attacks or other unfortunate events.

We are able to integrate georedundancy solutions into your existing security infrastructure or customize a new personalized solution for your company.

With georedundancy solutions you will always be sure that even in an extreme events, all your data is safe and your business can still continue working. It allows not only to safe money and continue working with your customers, but as well improves your brand image. If you need any help with business continuation implementation – we are more than happy to help.

Outdoor Positioning: What it is and Why Businesses Should Use It

  Outdoor positioning is becoming a vital tool for businesses looking to keep up with their competition in the digital age.

This technology has been around for some time, but its popularity has grown significantly in recent years due to advances in mobile technologies and the increasing availability of location-based services. By leveraging outdoor positioning, businesses can gain a competitive edge by creating more accurate customer experiences, improving operations, and enhancing security. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at what outdoor positioning is and how it functions, as well as seven key benefits that businesses should consider when implementing it.

What Is Outdoor Positioning? 

Outdoor positioning refers to a range of technologies that allows users to determine their exact location outdoors using satellites or other sources of radio signals.

The technology works by sending out signals from a predetermined anchor point or GPS system which are then detected by receivers on the user’s device such as a cell phone or tablet. This data is then used to calculate the user’s precise location — typically within several meters of accuracy — which is displayed on a map or other type of interface.

Outdoor positioning can also be used to track vehicles and other moving objects outdoors which makes it particularly useful for businesses that need real-time tracking solutions such as transportation companies and delivery services.  Outdoor positioning is also a very important tool in your security infrastructure as combined with indoor positioning and lone worker protection features you can always see where your employees or patients (in the healthcare sector). This allows you to react fast in any hazardous situations and find people in danger in the fastest possible way.

How Does Outdoor Positioning Function? 

The first step in determining an individual’s or object’s position is the detection of satellite signals sent out by navigational systems (e.g., GPS). These satellites provide information regarding their positions and locations which are received by receivers on the user’s device (e.g., smartphone).

The receiver then calculates its own position by comparing the positions of multiple satellites using triangulation methods known as trilateration and multilateration algorithms before providing coordinates based upon latitude, longitude and altitude (altitude being optional depending upon accuracy requirements). This data can then be used to pinpoint an individual’s exact location on a map or other graphical interface, allowing them to determine where they are relative to surrounding landmarks such as streets, buildings etc.

Additionally, this data can be combined with additional factors such as motion sensors for more complex calculations like speed and direction when tracking movement patterns over time.   Best example of outdoor positioning is Google Maps and other tracking apps from technology companies, but combining them with your security infrastructure requires additional technical work.

Benefits for Businesses Using Outdoor Positioning 

Businesses have numerous opportunities available when it comes to leveraging outdoor positioning technology – here are seven key advantages worth considering.

Improved Customer Experiences

By utilizing outdoor positioning services like geofencing, businesses can create customized experiences tailored directly towards customers’ needs while they are outdoors – leaving behind physical flyers or printed menus no longer necessary while giving customers access to pertinent information faster than ever before via digital interfaces accessible through mobile devices.

Enhanced Security

With the ability to detect changes in location rapidly, businesses can benefit greatly from automated security protocols set up according to predefined areas; if something deviates from expected behavior alerts could be triggered accordingly. 

Outdoor positioning together with your whole security infrastructure helps to locate lone workers and all other employees if they are in need of help.

Increased Efficiency

Utilizing indoor/outdoor navigation tools helps personnel move quickly between tasks with greater accuracy; thereby reducing labor costs due to increased productivity.

Accurate Delivery Tracking

When it comes to delivery services such as couriers or meal delivery companies having detailed records about where packages were dropped off at any given moment helps ensure customer satisfaction with timely deliveries.

Smarter Logistics Management

With improved visibility over goods both indoors and outdoors (i.e., warehouses vs retail stores), businesses can make better decisions on inventory replenishment cycles; optimize daily routes taken by drivers/employees/etc., while also helping reduce fuel consumption costs.

Efficient Maintenance Scheduling 

Automating maintenance scheduling based upon conditions recorded during inspections ensures that important service checks don’t slip through the cracks – saving time and money spent responding to late failures.

Valuable Insights into Consumer Behavior

Last but not least outdoor positioning enables companies to collect valuable insights into consumer behavior – allowing them to gather data on footfall metrics & hotspots enabling adjustments and improvements made based upon real-time analytics gathered from various locations around town and beyond.

New Voice experience in Outdoor Positioning

We have more than 30 years experience in security infrastructure projects as we have done more than 7000 different projects around the world. We have lately finished a big project in Zürich where we combined indoor and outdoor positioning for a hospital which requires the highest level of accuracy at all times.

To achieve that we installed more than 1500 beacons in multiple buildings and outside areas, so the hospital administration can always react fast if something is wrong with their patients and personnel.

Read more: EPI success story

Combined with lone worker protection, outdoor positioning assures the best positioning in hazardous situations, so the help can come fast. Outdoor positioning can be a very efficient tool in dangerous situations for any company which have people working outside at any time of their work.

Bouygues invests in employee trainings on MobiCall!

We are still thrilled about the #training for Bouygues Energies & Services (CH) last week. 😃

5 project managers and technicians were introduced to the diverse possibilities of a modern and future-oriented alarm application during 5 training days. The #MobiCall platform is strategic for Bouygues to capture the great potential in #alerting.

That`s why they also invest heavily in employee training. We had a great time and look forward to the upcoming #projects! 💪 #partnership #partnersfirst #training


Alarming solutions for healthcare sector

Alarming solutions for healthcare sector refer to a variety of systems and devices designed to monitor and alert healthcare staff to various events and incidents that may occur in a healthcare facility.

The goal of these solutions is to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of patients and staff, as well as to improve the efficiency and coordination of care. Healthcare workers face many challenges these days and security is one of the most important part of all the processes which take place in hospitals and other facilities. Healthcare workers not only have to take care of the patients, but of their own personnel as well.

With a help of newest technologies we can not only install the best security solutions in a matter of incident or hazardous event, but as well have extended indoor positioning systems, dementia wandering systems, safety protocols, blackout management protocols and much more. All of these solutions assure the highest level of security and safe to all the parts in a healthcare sector.

We would like to list some of the most common examples of alarming solutions for healthcare facilities

Nurse Call Systems

These systems allow patients to call for assistance with the press of a button, alerting nursing staff to their needs. These systems are perfect for situation where the patient needs extra fast help and nurses and other personnel gets indication of a dangerous situations and can rush to the area where the patient is.

Nurse call systems are communication systems used in healthcare facilities to alert nursing staff to the needs of patients. The goal of these systems is to improve the efficiency and coordination of care, and to ensure that patients receive prompt attention when they need it.

Nurse call systems typically consist of call buttons or call cords that are located near the patient’s bed or within easy reach. When a patient needs assistance, they press the call button or pull the call cord, which sends an alert to the nursing station.

The alert may be visual, auditory, or both, depending on the system in place. Some nurse call systems also provide additional features and functionality, such as two-way communication, bed exit alarms, staff response tracking, and integration with other healthcare systems and devices.

Nurse call systems can play a critical role in ensuring patient safety and improving the quality of care in healthcare facilities.

They can help to reduce response times, improve communication and coordination among staff, and provide critical information during emergencies.

When choosing a nurse call system, it is important to consider factors such as reliability, ease of use, scalability, and compatibility with other systems and devices.

Indoor Positioning Systems

These systems use wireless technology to track the location of patients and staff within a healthcare facility, improving response times and providing critical information during emergencies.

These systems allow to not only position the most troubled patients, but personnel as well. This assures the fastest reaction time.

Further reading: Indoor positioning system technologies

Indoor positioning systems use wireless technology, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi, to track the location of patients and staff within a healthcare facility.

The system typically consists of a network of sensors and beacons that communicate with wearable devices or smartphones. This information can be used to improve response times, monitor patient movement, and enhance overall safety and security.

Patient Wander Management Systems

These systems alert staff when a patient with a history of wandering attempts to leave the facility, improving patient safety and reducing the risk of injury. It allows the personnel to find the person immediately and take care of them.

Patient wander management systems are designed to alert staff when a patient with a history of wandering attempts to leave the facility.

The system typically consists of wearable devices or alarms that are triggered when the patient crosses a designated boundary or leaves a designated area.

The goal of these systems is to improve patient safety, reduce the risk of injury, and improve response times.

Emergency Response Systems

These systems allow staff to quickly and easily initiate an emergency response in the event of an incident, improving response times and coordination of care.

Emergency response systems are designed to allow staff to quickly and easily initiate an emergency response in the event of an incident.

The system typically consists of a central control panel, emergency buttons or pull cords, and a communication network that connects to staff pagers, smartphones, or other devices.

The goal of these systems is to improve response times, coordinate care, and ensure the safety and well-being of patients and staff.

Fire Alarms

These systems detect the presence of smoke and heat and alert staff to evacuate the building and respond to the fire.

Fire alarms are designed to detect the presence of smoke and heat and alert staff to evacuate the building and respond to the fire.

The system typically consists of smoke detectors, heat detectors, and manual pull stations, as well as a central control panel and an alarm system that sounds an audible alarm and alerts the fire department.

The goal of fire alarms is to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors, and to minimize damage to the building and its contents

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

These systems detect the presence of carbon monoxide and alert staff to evacuate the building and respond to the potential danger.

Carbon monoxide alarms can detect the presence of carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly.

The system typically consists of carbon monoxide detectors and a central control panel that sounds an audible alarm and alerts staff to evacuate the building.

The goal of carbon monoxide alarms is to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors, and to minimize the risk of injury or death from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Force majeure alarms

In a situation of a flood, storm, blizzard or any other harmful situations, these alarms assure the fast reaction of the personnel and initiates a plan which helps to avoid big losses.

New voice experience in alarming solutions for healtchare sector

New Voice International has worked more 30 years in healthcare sector providing various security solutions to big hospitals and healthcare facilities.

We have installed different solutions from indoor positioning systems to nurse call systems.

One of our latest projects in Zürich included even 1500 beacons which assures the highest possible indoor positioning system, so all the patients and personnel are as safe as possible in various hazardous situations.

Read more here: EPI.

In conclusion, nurse call systems, indoor positioning systems, patient wander management systems, emergency response systems, wireless alarm systems, fire alarms, and carbon monoxide alarms are critical components of any healthcare facility’s safety and security infrastructure.

These systems help to improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety, reduce response times, and ensure the well-being of both patients and staff. One of the key benefits of these systems is improved response times.

With nurse call systems, patients can get the attention they need quickly and easily, without having to wait for a staff member to come by. Indoor positioning systems and patient wander management systems help to track the movements of patients and staff, allowing for more efficient and effective responses to emergencies.

Emergency response systems provide a centralized and streamlined way for staff to initiate an emergency response, improving coordination and reducing response times.

In short, the integration of nurse call systems, indoor positioning systems, patient wander management systems, emergency response systems, wireless alarm systems, fire alarms, and carbon monoxide alarms can help to improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety, reduce response times, and ensure the well-being of both patients and staff.

Hospitals that invest in these systems are making a smart choice, one that will pay dividends in terms of improved patient outcomes, enhanced staff efficiency, and enhanced overall safety and security.

If you have any questions regarding alarming solutions for your healthcare facilities, we would be more than happy to help.