We are technically certified!

Technical certification
MobiCall Release 16 with CUCM 15

“Cisco Systems, Inc. confirms that MobiCall has been tested with the CUCM* and validated according to quality standards.”

*CUCM: Cisco Unified Communications Manager = Cisco telephone system

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

We will be happy to help you!

Cisco Select Developer

As a Cisco Select Developer Partner, New Voice MobiCall supports a wide range of functions in the Cisco environment.

Telephony and voice functions

  • Connection via SIP, SIPS or Q.SIG
  • Calls
  • Call forwarding
  • Conferences
  • Call Recording
  • DTMF Tones
  • Text display when ringing
  • Hotline function
  • Alarm acknowledgment

XML Messaging

Messages and alarms are sent directly to the XML-enabled phone. Depending on the device, the texts can also be received with images and various alarm sounds.
With MobiCall as a Cisco App Service, alarms can be started directly from an app on the phone (depending on the device).

Call interruption for alarm calls

MobiCall can monitor the status of CSTA-enabled phones using TAPI. If an end device is busy in the event of an alarm, MobiCall can disconnect the line in order to transfer the alarm call.

Cisco Multicast Support

MobiCall supports Cisco Multicast, for example, for efficient evacuation solutions. This allows a voice message to be played quickly and synchronously on the speakers of many devices.

Jabber Chat Messages

With the MobiCall Cisco Jabber Chat interface, alarm messages can be sent directly as Jabber Chat messages on a variety of devices (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS,..) can be received.

NVX Visualization

With real-time visualization, the NVX interface provides feedback on all alarms in the Cisco environment and whether they have been accepted or rejected. With the editor, preconfigured processes can be individualized according to customer requirements in order to control all alarm processes intelligently and intuitively.

We are here to assist you!

Have any questions or need assistance? Fill out the form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help!