Personal Protection and Emergency Management

In emergency situations like fire alarms or bomb threats an immediate mass alerting is necessary. With MobiCall the existing infrastructure can be used so that telephones and computers in use are available to transmit an audible or visual alarm signalling. In hazardous situations, MobiCall cares for your staff safety at work, enabling to draw on the integrated functions of an emergency call centre. Furthermore, MobiCall functions as a central solution in case of emergency alerting, e.g. MCI alarm, to execute a parallel information transmission.

Evacuation and alerting

  • A single system for fire, disaster and emergency alerting
  • Integration of existing fire alarm and danger warning systems through standardised and manufacturer-specific interfaces (among others ESPA 4.4.4, ESPA-X, XML)
  • Automatic or manual alarm trigger
  • Technical or sectoral alerting according to the scenario
  • Multimedia alerting via phone, smartphone, PC Client, IP-loudspeaker and subsystems
  • Use of alarm features such as announcement, special ring tone or call disruption (depending on the PBX system)

Silent Alarms

  • Use of several media to trigger the alarm
  • Silent alarms are triggered through the telecommunication system and can be listened in defined rooms
  • PC-client to trigger and receive an alarm
  • Hotkey function and connection to external USB push-buttons
  • Alarm trigger and receipt with locked screen
  • Active Directory integration to transfer master data
  • Connection to push-buttons or remote emergency devices using the existing networking infrastructure
  • Alarm scenarios can be customised or combined depending on the building, floor, storey and department

Emergency Call

  • Central phone number for all staff members to call first-aiders
  • Optional record of emergency information
  • Fixed and dynamic space-oriented alarm combination
  • Automatic set-up of conferences among first-aiders
  • Conferences can be recorded and forwarded
  • Optional forwarding to external stations
  • Automatic switching-off function in case of emergency

We are here to assist you!

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